A Play on Words

John Does

A Play on Words is a lively, knee-slapping romp through the inherent vagaries of the English language. Readers can let the book drop open at any page and find an invitation to appreciate the absurdities with which real life is packed and to enjoy a giggle from John Does’ clever take on them.

A Play on Words

Children’s Books

The Conversation-Starter Series:
The Weather's Shitty, Kitty

When Little Kitty hears her father say a “bad word” after hitting his paw with a hammer, she is uncomfortable and doesn’t know what to think about it. Can a word actually be “good” or “bad”? Or is it just a word? Luckily, she feels safe talking to her parents about tricky subjects. Dr. Does warmly explores these interesting concepts though the eyes of an adorable family of kitties.

Unkle Funky's a Drunk, Skunk

Little Skunky loves his Uncle Funky, but it unsettles him when his uncle drinks. One day, after Uncle Funky trips over Little Skunky and yells at him, Mommy Skunk holds Little Skunky on her lap and explains his uncle’s strange and unpredictable behavior. Sometimes Uncle Funky is clumsy, loud, and silly. Sometimes he says means things. Sometimes he’s sad.

Coming Soon!

Those Hens are Cliquey, Chickie is a fun, action-packed look at youth cliques and bullying.

That Salmon’s not so Dumb, Chum warmly explores dyslexia from the perspectives of children, parents and teachers.

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